Monday, January 17, 2011

Our Scary Week

I thought I would get some rest time during my recuperation from surgery, but it was not to be.  It turned into a scary week.

Mummy and I took the old dude to go and play in the magic box full of water but he wasn’t feeling too good.  A doctor said he wasn’t getting enough air into the breathing bags in his chest and told Mummy to take him straight to our doctor.  He took Bowmore to their special picture room but brought him back to us really quickly.  He was making very strange noises and looked really unhappy.  He put sleepy juice into his leg and our human friend who comes to stay with us when our humans go away sat on the floor with Mummy with a tube that blew special air at him.  Humans were rushing around saying they thought they were losing him which really didn’t make sense.  After all, he was right there in front of us, he had his collar and tags on and didn’t look like he was going to escape any time soon so how could they possibly think they were going to lose him.

Eventually Bowmore went to sleep and stopped making scary noises and a nice human put him in our motorized dog carrier and we all went home for dinner.  I thought that was the end of it but in the morning, before we had breakfast and Mummy had enough brown human waking up juice to make her a nice person, she put us back in the motorized dog carrier.  We went a long way until we could see a big lake called the Pacific Ocean to visit a special breathing bag doctor.  Mummy left Bowmore there and wouldn’t let me stay too.  I’ve never been on my own before and I really didn’t like it.  It’s pretty frightening out there when you don’t have a big brother to hold your paw.

Bowmore has now come home and is really happy.  He has a big zipper in his neck, but his breathing bags work really well.  I think it looks pretty cool and I guess Daddy agrees because he says he prefers that over the new motorized dog carrier he’s been looking at.

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