Monday, January 31, 2011

The Ageing of Humans

This weekend, one of our humans’ friends turned 50 human years.  Now, if he was a dog that would make him 350 but as all dogs know, humans are slow developers so it takes them 7 dog years to learn what we can in one.

The desire of humans to celebrate these milestones can of course be advantageous to all of us. It meant that we got to go on an adventure.  With all the chaos surrounding the indoor tree season and Talisker’s leg repair, we haven’t had the opportunity to take our humans on a good adventure for a while.

For those of you who like to follow my writing, you will know that our humans like to have falling over juice tested on them, so we all went to Sonoma where there is a lot to be tested.  Talisker and I are not too fond of falling over juice, but we do enjoy meeting the ambassadors of the kennels where it’s made.  And the best part … getting to keep Mummy and Daddy warm all night on a big bed stuffed with bird fur although I have to say that they do take up way too much space.

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