Thursday, March 31, 2011

Water Falling Up

I have previously mentioned that humans don’t have waterproof fur like us. Consequently, when water is falling out of the sky it’s difficult to persuade them to go outside.  It’s very important to keep humans well exercised or they get very restless and really quite grouchy.  Just lately there has been a lot of water falling out of the sky so keeping ours occupied has been particularly hard work.  Thankfully, we are starting to get our Summer coats and it’s now bright and warm outside so we have been enjoying getting our humans back into a regular exercise regime.

One of our exercise routes takes us around a field in the middle of our town which has a very strange phenomenon that only seems to happen when there’s no water falling out of the sky. Water falls up out of the ground.  Our humans seem to be particularly fond of going there which always confuses me knowing their aversion to water that falls down out of the sky.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

House Training

A new writing box has come to live in our kennel.  Mummy says she has to house train it before we can use it which seems to be very time consuming.  She spends all day watching it to make sure it doesn’t do anything bad and every time it opens its mouth she gives it big round shiny treats.  They don’t look very appetizing so I’m not surprised she has to watch it all the time.  I wouldn’t behave myself if that was my reward.

I was crate trained so that Mummy could spend some time with Bowmore too.  If she crate trained the writing box, it might need less watching so she could play with me more instead of my having to spend time helping Bowmore hold down the sofa.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Blending in with your surroundings

Today is Saint Patrick’s day.  To further my life long work of studying human behavior I got on the writing box to find out a little bit more about why human’s want to celebrate this day.  It appears that he was a really good guy who comes from a land called Ireland.  Humans there are really short, wear green and like to carry around plants with three leaves.

Our friend Bailey’s Mummy comes from Ireland.  Her litter mate and several members of her pack also live in our town and I have met them all.  None of them are really short and in fact, some are quite tall.  I have rarely seen them wear green and have never seen them carrying plants with three leaves.  They definitely come from Ireland because they finish their sentences with phrases like “don’t you know” and “so it is”.  I can only come to one conclusion and that is that they have grown taller and no longer wear green to blend in with their surroundings.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Going Green

Mummy says our kennel is going green.  I quite like it the color it is, but she’s the one who makes the décor decisions around here.

I do have one concern. I have carefully observed the kennel color changing process in the past.  Humans wearing white clothes covered with different colored spots tickle it all over using magic sticks with furry ends and it changes color.  The humans who came this time just put shiny covers on the roof and the kennel still looks the same color which is definately not green.  I think Mummy has been duped.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Art of Diggimg

Digging is a skill that comes naturally to all dogs.  It’s just in our blood and we have to do it.  I’ve done some digging in my time, mainly to find cool spots to lay in when it gets hot, but Talisker moved his digging into a different dimension.  He learnt last year that digging up Mummy’s tomato plants is a really bad plan, so has since concentrated his digging skills on burying bones.  He claims they season better when left under ground for a while.

Whilst exercising our humans today we walked past a kennel with the biggest hole I have ever seen in front of it.  I would like to meet the dog responsible for this.  There is some serious talent there.  Burying a bone is expected of us, but a whole kennel?  Now that is something else.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Scottish Falling Over Juice for a Good Cause

When I was the same age as Talisker, Mummy was really sick for a long time.  The piece of her brain that tells one of her legs how to work fell out.  I think it must have grown back because her leg seems to work pretty well now.

There is a group of humans who call themselves Peninsula Stroke Association who help other humans who also have pieces of their brain that have fallen out.  It takes a lot of dog biscuits to organize the services they provide, so Mummy likes to help by persuading humans to give them lots of dog biscuits in return for doing fun stuff.

Some generous humans decided they’d like to help, so paid lots of dog biscuits to come and learn all about Scottish falling over juice from Daddy and share a little with him.  To talk properly about the land he comes from, Daddy likes to get into character and put his skirt on which seemed to amuse our guests.  They obviously weren't used to seeing male humans from his land correctly dressed.  Now, as I am sure you all know, we are named after Daddy’s favorite Scottish falling over juices, and I was very pleased to note that our visitors obviously had excellent taste as quite a lot of the 13 year old Bowmore was consumed.

Farewell to the Last of the Three Amigos

Sharing my life with our dogs has always been one of my greatest joys.  However, with that joy comes the responsibility of knowing when to a...