Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Art of Diggimg

Digging is a skill that comes naturally to all dogs.  It’s just in our blood and we have to do it.  I’ve done some digging in my time, mainly to find cool spots to lay in when it gets hot, but Talisker moved his digging into a different dimension.  He learnt last year that digging up Mummy’s tomato plants is a really bad plan, so has since concentrated his digging skills on burying bones.  He claims they season better when left under ground for a while.

Whilst exercising our humans today we walked past a kennel with the biggest hole I have ever seen in front of it.  I would like to meet the dog responsible for this.  There is some serious talent there.  Burying a bone is expected of us, but a whole kennel?  Now that is something else.

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