Thursday, March 17, 2011

Blending in with your surroundings

Today is Saint Patrick’s day.  To further my life long work of studying human behavior I got on the writing box to find out a little bit more about why human’s want to celebrate this day.  It appears that he was a really good guy who comes from a land called Ireland.  Humans there are really short, wear green and like to carry around plants with three leaves.

Our friend Bailey’s Mummy comes from Ireland.  Her litter mate and several members of her pack also live in our town and I have met them all.  None of them are really short and in fact, some are quite tall.  I have rarely seen them wear green and have never seen them carrying plants with three leaves.  They definitely come from Ireland because they finish their sentences with phrases like “don’t you know” and “so it is”.  I can only come to one conclusion and that is that they have grown taller and no longer wear green to blend in with their surroundings.

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