Thursday, March 29, 2012

Teeth Scratchers

Daddy’s not very pleased with me and it’s really not my fault.

Mummy was hungry so Daddy took her to a human feeding station that wouldn’t let us come in so we had to wait in the motorized dog carrier.  Talisker wanted a nap so delegated to me the duty of keeping guard on Daddy’s seat.  It was pretty boring and my new teeth started to itch.  I really needed to chew something.  A bone would have been my preference but there wasn’t one at paw’s reach.  Having been given such a responsible task, I felt it would be negligent of me to leave my post so had a look around where I was sitting to see if something else would do the job.

When the motorized dog carrier is moving, Daddy holds onto a round thing in front of his seat that has a load of sticks behind it.  There seemed to be quite a few of them so I didn’t think he’d miss just one.  At first bite it just crunched and really wasn’t very satisfying, but once I got through the black crunchy stuff it was way more interesting.  There were lots of colored strings which once bitten through had lots of gold stiff fuzzy stuff.  Now, this was what I was looking for.  It really helped my itchy teeth.

Here is where I really don’t understand Daddy’s annoyance.  He claims that the stick had a very useful purpose.  There are skinny black tails that wag all over the glass to throw water off when it’s falling out of the sky, and it was that stick’s task to tell the tails when to wag.  They’re the ones outside getting wet so why do they need a stick inside in the dry to tell them it’s time to do their job?

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Cat Chasing

Last week, we all went on a trip to a place called Monterey.  I always like to experience the cuisine of new places and was quite delighted when we stopped at a place on the way called Tarpy’s Roadhouse which had quite an excellent dog menu.  I always appreciate the water and bread that the human feeding stations in our town give us, but the opportunity to have freshly prepared hamburger with red potatoes and steamed vegetables was a real treat.

Our humans have bags full of long sticks with flat metal pieces on the end.  I’ve never been able to work out what these sticks are used for, so I’m sure you can understand my fascination when Daddy put one of the bags in the motorized dog carrier before we left.

We spent the night at a kennel on the edge of a big field.  Daddy got up really early and left with the bag of sticks while we went for a sniff with Mummy, after which we went and sat at the edge of the big field to watch the scenery.  It was then that I noticed the really big litter boxes.

A cat lives near our kennel that likes to chase us when we’re out for our neighborhood sniff and I find that one pretty scary so I can only imagine how terrifying a cat would be that needs a litter box that size.  No wonder all the humans walking around the field had bags of sticks.  I can only assume that Daddy and his friends must be pretty efficient at cat chasing as we watched for quite a long time and didn’t manage to catch sight of one.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Green Humans

This weekend, lots of humans went green.  This going green thing confuses me.  Last year Mummy says our kennel went green but the only change that I could see was the addition of big shiny windows on the roof that you can’t see out of.

In the interest of our studies of human behavior, Tobermory and I took ours downtown to experience green humans first hand.  We put green scarves on so that we didn’t look out of place.

Daddy told us that the best place to find green humans is a very popular falling over juice kennel called CB Hannegan’s.  We know this place pretty well as we take Daddy there quite often when he’s thirsty after we’ve taken him for a town sniff.  I’ve watched a lot of humans going in and out, but very rarely are they green.  Yesterday was a completely different matter.  I didn’t even recognize the place, and sure enough, Daddy was right.  There were lots of very happy humans wrapped in green body covers, drinking big glasses of black falling over juice with a white fluffy top.  I wanted to go in and check it out further but Daddy said that with so many happy humans, he was worried that my sore tail would get trodden on.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Ball Balancing Acadamy

Right now there is something going on called March Madness.  At first site it looks like the humans taking part are playing fetch but on closer observation it is obvious that the only thing this game has in common with fetch is that it is centered around a ball.

I’ve been watching the mad humans on the moving picture frame on the wall and I find it quite fascinating.  The humans are all really tall and bounce a big ball on the ground, occasionally jumping really high and dropping the ball in a basket with a hole in the bottom.  Mummy has tried to get me to drop balls in baskets and it’s really very hard to do.  Considering my previous observations on the human ability to play fetch, I can only assume that these ones are more talented than most.  I have also noticed that they do tricks like balancing balls on the tip of their fingers.  Having observed very special seals doing a similar trick of balancing balls on the tip of their noses, I have come to the conclusion that there must be a special ball balancing academy somewhere that takes both seals and humans as students.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tale of a Tail

Did you know that tails can leak?  I didn’t before this weekend.

It was nice and bright and warm outside and Tobermory and I were thoroughly enjoying our pre-lunch sniff on Saturday.  When we’re happy, we really don’t have a lot of control over our tails and sometimes we just can’t stop those tails from wagging and knocking into things.  I don’t know what happened, but by the time we got to the human feeding station, the end of mine was really leaking.  Leaking tails make a lot of mess.

When we got back to our kennel, Mummy found the leaking tail fixer and Daddy wrapped it around my tail.  It worked pretty well all night, but when Daddy came downstairs to let us out for our morning sniff, I was so happy to see him that my tail just insisted on wagging really vigorously and this time it leaked even more.  I thought it made some interesting patterns on the walls, but our humans didn’t seem to like the patterns so much so rushed me off to see a tail fixing doctor.  He put a green tail cover on the end and told my tail not to wag.  Have you ever tried telling a tail not to wag?  They don’t listen so of course my tail wagged the cover straight off so we had to go back for another one.

I now have a really long blue tail cover and the tail doctor says it has to stay there for a long time.  I’m really not sure it suits me but Mummy says blue tails are all the rage and I’m just setting a Spring trend for all the fashion conscious dogs out there.

Farewell to the Last of the Three Amigos

Sharing my life with our dogs has always been one of my greatest joys.  However, with that joy comes the responsibility of knowing when to a...