Sunday, March 18, 2012

Green Humans

This weekend, lots of humans went green.  This going green thing confuses me.  Last year Mummy says our kennel went green but the only change that I could see was the addition of big shiny windows on the roof that you can’t see out of.

In the interest of our studies of human behavior, Tobermory and I took ours downtown to experience green humans first hand.  We put green scarves on so that we didn’t look out of place.

Daddy told us that the best place to find green humans is a very popular falling over juice kennel called CB Hannegan’s.  We know this place pretty well as we take Daddy there quite often when he’s thirsty after we’ve taken him for a town sniff.  I’ve watched a lot of humans going in and out, but very rarely are they green.  Yesterday was a completely different matter.  I didn’t even recognize the place, and sure enough, Daddy was right.  There were lots of very happy humans wrapped in green body covers, drinking big glasses of black falling over juice with a white fluffy top.  I wanted to go in and check it out further but Daddy said that with so many happy humans, he was worried that my sore tail would get trodden on.

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