Sunday, March 25, 2012

Cat Chasing

Last week, we all went on a trip to a place called Monterey.  I always like to experience the cuisine of new places and was quite delighted when we stopped at a place on the way called Tarpy’s Roadhouse which had quite an excellent dog menu.  I always appreciate the water and bread that the human feeding stations in our town give us, but the opportunity to have freshly prepared hamburger with red potatoes and steamed vegetables was a real treat.

Our humans have bags full of long sticks with flat metal pieces on the end.  I’ve never been able to work out what these sticks are used for, so I’m sure you can understand my fascination when Daddy put one of the bags in the motorized dog carrier before we left.

We spent the night at a kennel on the edge of a big field.  Daddy got up really early and left with the bag of sticks while we went for a sniff with Mummy, after which we went and sat at the edge of the big field to watch the scenery.  It was then that I noticed the really big litter boxes.

A cat lives near our kennel that likes to chase us when we’re out for our neighborhood sniff and I find that one pretty scary so I can only imagine how terrifying a cat would be that needs a litter box that size.  No wonder all the humans walking around the field had bags of sticks.  I can only assume that Daddy and his friends must be pretty efficient at cat chasing as we watched for quite a long time and didn’t manage to catch sight of one.

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