Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Ball Balancing Acadamy

Right now there is something going on called March Madness.  At first site it looks like the humans taking part are playing fetch but on closer observation it is obvious that the only thing this game has in common with fetch is that it is centered around a ball.

I’ve been watching the mad humans on the moving picture frame on the wall and I find it quite fascinating.  The humans are all really tall and bounce a big ball on the ground, occasionally jumping really high and dropping the ball in a basket with a hole in the bottom.  Mummy has tried to get me to drop balls in baskets and it’s really very hard to do.  Considering my previous observations on the human ability to play fetch, I can only assume that these ones are more talented than most.  I have also noticed that they do tricks like balancing balls on the tip of their fingers.  Having observed very special seals doing a similar trick of balancing balls on the tip of their noses, I have come to the conclusion that there must be a special ball balancing academy somewhere that takes both seals and humans as students.

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