Thursday, March 29, 2012

Teeth Scratchers

Daddy’s not very pleased with me and it’s really not my fault.

Mummy was hungry so Daddy took her to a human feeding station that wouldn’t let us come in so we had to wait in the motorized dog carrier.  Talisker wanted a nap so delegated to me the duty of keeping guard on Daddy’s seat.  It was pretty boring and my new teeth started to itch.  I really needed to chew something.  A bone would have been my preference but there wasn’t one at paw’s reach.  Having been given such a responsible task, I felt it would be negligent of me to leave my post so had a look around where I was sitting to see if something else would do the job.

When the motorized dog carrier is moving, Daddy holds onto a round thing in front of his seat that has a load of sticks behind it.  There seemed to be quite a few of them so I didn’t think he’d miss just one.  At first bite it just crunched and really wasn’t very satisfying, but once I got through the black crunchy stuff it was way more interesting.  There were lots of colored strings which once bitten through had lots of gold stiff fuzzy stuff.  Now, this was what I was looking for.  It really helped my itchy teeth.

Here is where I really don’t understand Daddy’s annoyance.  He claims that the stick had a very useful purpose.  There are skinny black tails that wag all over the glass to throw water off when it’s falling out of the sky, and it was that stick’s task to tell the tails when to wag.  They’re the ones outside getting wet so why do they need a stick inside in the dry to tell them it’s time to do their job?

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