Sunday, October 25, 2020

How to Exhaust a Puppy

I’m new to this puppy stuff.  I know I was one, but it was a really long time ago.  Mummy says I was challenging which I think must be a positive because she says she always enjoys a challenge.

Our humans are complaining about sleep deprivation.  I don’t know what their problem is … they don’t sleep in the same room as Arran.   I slept with the humans in their bird fur for 9 months and now I’m back on a dog bed sleeping beside a dude who thinks that a box is a cool place to sleep.

I am trying to help our humans out, so for those of you out there with puppies, let me show you how to exhaust them.  First, find a really noisy toy, the more annoying the better because puppies can’t resist annoying.

Once you’ve exhausted the puppy, make sure to remove the toy because now you need some peace and quiet for a well deserved nap.



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