Saturday, October 17, 2020

What's a Lergic?

Last night I was out for my end of evening sniff and found a cool round green thing under a tree.  Tobermory told me it’s called a lime and humans add them to a falling over juice made from a plant called cactus.

I was having fun throwing it around the garden when a stripey bug started to fly around my nose.  I like to catch bugs, but this was a mean one.  It stuck something sharp in my lip.  It really hurt so I ran inside to find Mummy.  She makes everything that hurts feel better.   And then I started to feel weird and sleepy and my chops got really big.  Our humans rushed around putting foot covers on, Mummy picked me up and she, Daddy and Tobermory ran to the motorized dog carrier.  Daddy made it go really fast and Mummy was talking to her talking box.  We stopped outside a kennel that had a big sign saying “Med Vet”.  A nice female human wearing shapeless body covers that I learnt are called scrubs, took me into the kennel.  There were more humans wearing those shapeless body covers inside.  They found the spiky thing in my lip, took it out and then stuck lots of needles in me.  I didn’t enjoy that bit, but I did start to feel better.  The male human in charge said this happened because I’m a lergic.

I don’t know what a lergic looks like.  I mean, aren’t I a Labrador?  I tried to find more lergics on the writing box.  I think I should meet some others to find out what we are but I can’t find any.   If you know any lergics, please put them in contact with me.


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