Saturday, October 10, 2020

Teaching Humans To Give Treats

Mummy took me to school yesterday.  She says all puppies, even human ones have to go.  I get to play with four other dudes at the beginning.  They don’t look like me. They all have really long fur except for one little one who hides under her human’s chair.

After that, the serious stuff starts.   This is when we teach humans to give us treats.  The human in charge tells all our humans what to do and then they just follow the instructions.  Here is how it works.

Mummy says “sit”, raises her paw, I put my butt on the floor, she gives me a treat.  Mummy says “down”, does a downward motion with her paw, I lie on the floor, she gives me a treat.  Mummy holds her paw out and says “touch”, I put my nose on her paw, her other paw gives me a treat etc. etc. etc.

My conclusion is that humans are REALLY easy to train.  However, I am confused.  My research shows that human puppies don’t take their Mummies and Daddies to school with them, so … how do they train them to give treats without help?



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