Monday, January 2, 2012

Dogs that Lunch

Going exploring with our humans has always been an important part of our lives and since our doctor has given Tobermory all the juice that keeps him from getting sick, last week it was time to take him on his first mini adventure.  I have always considered myself to be well traveled for my age, but learnt from Bowmore’s tales of exploring with his big brother, Cider that there are many more places to be sniffed.

It is particularly appropriate that for the beginning of my adventures with Tobermory, our humans took us to sniff a place that was new for both of us.  It was the longest ride in the motorized dog carrier that Tobermory has been on since leaving our birth place and he got more than a little fidgety.  He insisted on trying to pull all the toys out of the toy bag and eventually started the “are we there yet” whine.

Our destination was Carmel.  Man, there are a lot of dogs in that place.  Our friend, Digby and his humans have a kennel there so know all the best human feeding stations.  They took us to The Forge in the Forest.  It’s a particularly popular canine hang out which I didn’t find too surprising after I learnt that they have a special menu for us with such delicacies as a Quarter Hounder and Hot Diggity Dog.  We opted for Hen House Chicken Strips which more than lived up to our expectations.

After all this gastronomic extravagance we needed to go and play a little full contact fetch to work it off so walked our humans down to a hole in the ground with water that is so big that you can't see the other side.  It's called the Pacific Ocean.  I have come to the conclusion that Carmel must be a community of dogs that lunch because we were not the only ones down there running it off.

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