Monday, January 9, 2012

My First Day at School

Yesterday I went to school for the first time.  I was a little nervous so Talisker came with me in the motorized dog carrier.  I couldn’t understand why he can’t teach me everything but he said there are things that are best taught by humans and I would understand when I got there.

There were lots of other puppies in my class of all different shapes and sizes, but I’m the only fish retriever.  I thought I was going to get to play with the others but the human in charge said we weren’t allowed to.  It was showing all the promise of becoming a very boring morning, but I listened carefully to her talk and demonstrate with one of the puppies what she would be teaching us and then I realized what school is about.  We were all there to learn lots of tricks to make humans give us treats and who better to teach how humans think than another human.  I already know that our humans will give me dinner and breakfast if I sit but yesterday I learnt that if I lie down when they say “down” and go to them when they say “come”, I also get treats.  This is pretty cool stuff.

My humans were very good at giving me treats so Talisker suggested we reward them by taking them to their favorite falling over juice kennel.  Ours were obviously not the only humans who had been good at giving treats yesterday as a guy called Beaux had brought his there too.  We all chatted a little but I eventually had to go to sleep.  You’ve no idea how exhausting it can be learning how to get treats.


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