Monday, January 23, 2012

Newt in Chief ... seriously?

I have always maintained that as Head of Security it is important to keep up with current affairs in the human world.  This year, the humans in this land are holding a big competition, the winner of which gets to live in a big white kennel and tell all the other humans how to behave.  There are lots of heats to eliminate the bad ones so that at the end there are just two competing for the big prize.

I have always been given to understand that this competition is only open to humans so you can understand my surprise when I learned that the winner of one of the most recent heats is a newt.  I seriously questioned the human decision last year to send a bunch of seals and only one dog to catch a bad guy when everyone knows that dogs are way more efficient on dry land, but come on … a newt in charge?  Have you ever seen one?  They don’t exactly project a commanding presence.

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