Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Human Soup

There’s a big pot of bubbly hot water in our garden.  Talisker says it’s used for making boiled human like when Mummy makes boiled egg in the morning and you can tell when they’re done when the glasses of falling over juice they are holding are empty.  I’ve been watching very carefully and I think he’s wrong.

When Mummy makes boiled egg she boils a fresh egg every day but when she makes chicken soup she boils the same chicken several days in a row.  Since only our humans seem to get boiled in the big pot and I have never seen fresh ones in there, it looks to me like they are really making human soup.  As for the falling over juice, Mummy puts it into chicken soup to make it taste better.  Our humans put the contents of their glasses into themselves so are obviously trying to improve their flavor.


1 comment:

  1. I met Colin and his dogs today and what a great trio they make. First off, not too many people called Colin with a Scotish accent who have a web site for their dogs, unlike Colin from Cheshire whos has two dogs (they where sleeping today after a good walk this morning.


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