Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Digging Game

Mummy has a special place at the end of the garden with softer earth than everywhere else. She spent a long time yesterday mixing darker earth with it and then dug lots of little holes in straight lines and put really good smelling treats in each hole. She then put little green things by each treat and buried them with just a little piece of green poking out. This was obviously intended to be a new game for me to demonstrate how quickly I could get to the treats.

After dinner Mummy sent me outside which I took as a sign to start digging. I was doing really well and had eaten two of the treats and had nearly removed another green thing and was getting really close to a third treat when Mummy came running up to me growling really loudly. She’s very frightening when she growls and that was the loudest I have ever heard her growl.

I admit that I misread the signs to start digging and it could have been interpreted as cheating, but this time she went too far with the punishment. She didn’t stop at the growl. She threw me into the motorized dog carrier and took me to a place where humans gave me juice that took all of my dinner out of my tummy. If she thinks I’m going to play the treat digging up game again anytime soon, she can think again.

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