Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Make sure your humans are properly tagged

I recently learnt that while we were in Tahoe playing in the white slippy stuff, there was a big gathering of humans in Canada finding out which of them could slide down hills the fastest. When I finished writing on Sunday I watched them on the moving picture frame with Mummy. I can only surmise that there, falling over juice is not administered on the moving sofas as they slide down the hills a lot faster and in a much straighter line than the place our humans go to.

The fastest humans are very valuable so they put big human tags on their collars to make sure they are returned to the correct place if they get lost. Of course this does make me realize that we don’t have our humans properly tagged. I need to find out how I can rectify this situation. They may not be valuable to other dogs but they are very valuable to us.


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