Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Humans don't eat gold treats

Every year at this time, Mummy gets together with her friends, they put bird fur around their necks and drink strange colored falling over juice while they watch humans on the moving picture frame being given gold colored treats. For appearances, last Sunday I decided to join in with the bird fur thing since Mummy’s friend was kind enough to invite us, although I have to say, I felt pretty stupid.

Let me describe the gold treat gathering ritual. It’s a very confusing piece of human behavior to watch. The male humans dress like little birds found in very cold lands, and the female humans wrap their legs together with brightly colored fabric, put all their fur on the top of their heads and hang very shiny collars around their necks. They then try to see who can hold the most gold treats which they get really excited about and this is the part I find confusing. If these treats are so good, why don’t they eat them instead of just holding them?

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