Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Magic Box

As a young pup I was very athletic. Frisbee catching was my specialty and I could still keep up with the best until a couple of years ago, but as everyone knows, we athletes wear our bodies out so it takes some work to keep active as we get old. My legs don’t work as well as they used to so Mummy takes me to a place where nice ladies play with me to make them work better.

First we do what they call warm-up exercises, but I think some are just an excuse to cuddle me (I don’t want to boast but female humans have always been quite attracted to me).

The most fun is saved for last. I get in a magic box that fills with water. The bottom moves and then I get to chase a ball which has always been one of my favorite sports but I don’t find it too easy outside the magic box anymore.

Of course the best part is that Talisker has to just sit quietly and watch.

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