Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Mo, the Keeper of Falling Over Juice

One of the great things about going on adventures with our humans is that we get to meet lots of cool people.

We live near a lot of really big hills where humans make falling over juice. This weekend we all got in the motorized dog carrier and went as high as we could before falling over the other side. We could see a big lake that Mummy told us is called the Pacific Ocean. I’ve been swimming in Lake Tahoe which is pretty big but this must have been bigger because we couldn’t see the other side.

At the top of this hill is a falling over juice kennel. This kennel is in the care of a very charming guy called Mo. It is his job to make all the visiting humans feel at home while other humans test falling over juice on them. Daddy wants a falling over juice kennel and I hope he gets one soon as I think that welcoming visiting humans would be a very gentlemanly retirement job for me.

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