Saturday, March 6, 2010

Good dogs deserve good humans

Sometimes we need a reminder of how lucky we are to have good humans to take care of and that where we live there is a good welfare state to feed less fortunate cousins and help them find their own humans to love.

Last summer our humans visited Mummy's litter mate and her pack at their kennel in Portugal. There, dogs with no humans are not so fortunate and have to steal to survive. A few days before our humans arrived, a little guy who was too young to take care of himself saw the human puppies in their garden and thought they looked like guys he would like to take care of. He was very hungry and full of itchy stuff, so Mummy's litter mate put him in water to make him fluffy again and gave him a good meal. He was very grateful so did his best to help entertain the human puppies who in return named him Toggle. Of course, we all know how important that is. When a human gives you a name, this is a sign that they have chosen you to contribute towards their wellbeing.

Mummy's pack have always shown exceptional gratitude for the care given to them by our cousins and Mummy's litter mate decided that Toggle deserved to live in a land where life is good for dogs. First, he had to have juice so he didn't get sick and couldn't go there until the doctor said it was working, so she found a nice place for him to stay with lots of friends to play with and a hole in the ground with water to learn to swim in.

Two weeks ago Toggle started his long adventure from Portugal to London. The humans who helped him get there put pictures on the writing box so we could all see what a good time he was having. Looking at this picture I feel that I have to point out that his human companions wrote that he wrapped his leash around the post because he was a country dog not accustomed to the art of staying attached to a human, but I know better. It's just funny to watch humans try to unwind us.

Toggle has now started his new life in London taking care of friends of Mummy's litter mate whose human puppies were all playing together when he first saw them. It makes me happy to know that against all odds, this brave little dog who truly deserves good humans, found them.


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